About our company

The Firm…

Founded in 2010 , the Group acts as the lead investor in transactions, as well as a co-investor with other financial institutions. In addition, it provides advisory and investment services, loan services and gold business to its clients with respect to investments in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.The Group’s Directors have accumulated significant investment, financing and mergers and acquisitions experience, and several of the Directors have held senior management positions in other organisations and operating companies. They have known each other and worked together for many years and have developed reputations, within their respective disciplines, for integrity, insight and professionalism.


Atlantis Impact Value is a privately owned boutique fund manager specialising in investing in European  equities and lending. Atlantis Impact’s history dates back to January 2010, when John Murray established Perennial Value.

For more than 10 years, the Atlantis Impact name has become synonymous with investment excellence, earning the trust of our clients, as a reliable investor able to generate strong investment returns over time. Over this period Atlantis Impact Value has won a number of prestigious industry awards and accolades.

The key to success …

We believe the key to any investment team’s success is independence, focus, stability and a stake in their own success. So we created a business model and culture that allows investment specialists to focus solely on what they do best – making investment decisions. Our highly experienced team of non-investment professionals takes care of everything else.

Our Investment Philosophy…

All our partners, as investment specialists, believe in the same, fundamental core investment philosophy.

Active investment management

We believe that investment markets are not fully efficient, causing asset prices to deviate from ‘fair value’. Through careful research of investment fundamentals and the application of a disciplined investment process, market inefficiencies can be identified and exploited by experienced investment professionals applying an active investment approach.

Long term investing…

All of our portfolios are positioned for long-term investment performance outcomes. Our objective is to add value over the medium to long term, relative to a recognised market benchmark, in a risk efficient manner. Many of our capabilities have a proven and consistent long-term track record, with good results relative to our peers.

Independent research…

Key to our investment processes is proprietary, in-house research. We conduct independent firsthand research on all securities before their inclusion in our investment portfolios.

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